Solo on a Field Trip in The Bryant Creek Watershed Online Atlas
An activity for independent student use

Teacher's Guide and Lesson Plan

Grades: 6-9
Subject Areas: Computer Skills, Science, Social Studies, CommunicationArts.
Duration: 35 minutes minimum; could be done in multiple sessions

1. To acquaint the student with the features and content of the onlineAtlas of the Bryant Creek Watershed.
2. To practice computer navigational skills.
3. To present relevant subject matter in a local context.

Show Me Standards and MAP Skills

Materials needed:
The student needs to work at a computer with internet access, a copyof the Trip Log and a pencil/pen.

The Bryant Watershed Online Atlas contains 450+ pages of information about the area of the Bryant Creek watershed in south central Missouri. This lesson will give students an opportunity to explore areas of the Atlas on their own and to evaluate it as a online educational reference.

Print the Trip Log for the student and make sure they get online andinto the Atlas. Let the student know how much time he/she has to completethe activity.

1. Note student’s work as she takes the trip. Is he able to focus?Use the browser and website functions appropriately? Is she reading orjust clicking through the pages?
2. Read through the Trip Log to find out how well the student carriedout the activity.

Have the student present his/her report to the class. If you have accessto a Smart Board or other projection system, have the student show classmatesparticular Atlas sections of interest.
Submit the student’s Trip Log for publication on the Atlas. Visit Sending Us Material to learn how to submit student work.

Show Me Standards Addressed:
Goal 1:1 develop questions and ideas to initiate research
Goal 1:2 conduct research to answer questions and evaluate informationand ideas
Goal 1:4 use technological tools and other resources to locate, selectand organize information.
Goal 1:5 comprehend and evaluate written and  visual presentations

Communication Arts 1. speaking and writing standard English.
Communication Arts 2. writing formally and informally.
Communication Arts 5. comprehending and evaluating the content andartistic aspects of oral and visual presentations.
Social Studies 5. the major elements of geographical study and analysisand their relationships to changes in society and environment.
Social Studies 7. the use of tools of social science inquiry.

MAP Skills taught:
Communication Arts
1. Follow multi-step directions
2. Make inferences about textual elements
3. Support opinions
4. Use context clues to determine the meaning of words
5. Writing appropriate responses, completing and fulfilling all therequirementsof the task.

Social Studies
1. Interpret and draw conclusions based on sources
2. Interpret visual materials such as maps or primary sources
3. Use library and technology resources such as Atlases

Copyright © Bryant Watershed Project, Inc. All rights reserved. May be printed for classroom or home use.