About Us Sending Us Material How to send materials for the Atlas Here are our guidelines for articles, stories and pictures. If you have any questions, please contact us. We reserve the right to edit or refuse material based on space restraints and appropriateness of content. Some student contributions may become permanent on the site; others may be temporary. Text: Type all the material you want us to use, including printed material such as a brochure, flyer, booklet, or newspaper article. Send in PLAIN TEXT format in the body of an e-mail message, or send as attachments in plain text. Please do not send files in Microsoft Word or other word processing applications. If you have pictures, place captions in the body of the text where you want your pictures to go, numbered in their order of appearance. Number the pictures to correspond with those on the captions. Include source reference information and permissions to use copyrighted or previously published material at the end of your text. For more information, see Citing Online Resources, a lesson plan which shows examples of references. Suggest where in the Atlas you think the text and/or pictures might go. Be sure to include your name, and if you're a student, your school, class, and teacher. Your text may be edited for punctuation, grammar, spelling, clarity and/or length by our Atlas Editor. A reading level number will be given to it, corresponding to grade level readability. Our target users are students and we strive to make most texts in the Atlas readable at middle school level or below. Pictures: Send digital or scanned photos in standard JPEG or GIF format. Include the photographer's name for credit. If the photos are meant to go with text, number photos in the order you want them to appear in the text, and give their corresponding captions in the text the same number. If you send prints or artwork for us to scan, put this information on the back: Artist's or photographer's name for credit. Contact phone number or e-mail address, and mailing address. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope so that we can return your material. Mail to Bryant Watershed Project, PO Box 40, Brixey, MO 65618 Artwork and prints should not be larger than 8 1/2 x 11 inches. Names and other personal information: Read our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please contact us. |