Warm Fork of the Spring River and Thayer

Spring River Watershed  Spring River Photo Tour Warm Fork and Thayer

Warm Fork at Howell County Road 397, also known as Wiggins Ford. The river cuts through pastureland, with no riparian belt.

Warm Fork Conservation Area, managed by Missouri Dept. of Conservation. Go 5 miles east of Koshkonong on Route Z, then north a tenth of a mile on Howell County Road P-323.

This area is mostly old fields and grassland mixed with forest and cropland. Sorghum has been planted for wildlife food along a mowed strip. Trees border Warm Fork to left.

Warm Fork at County Road 256, very near Thayer.

A broad stretch of gravel next to the road offers a picnicking beach for Thayer locals.

Warm Fork flows on into Thayer. This photo was taken at the Chestnut Street bridge in town. US Highway 63 bridge is in the background.

Along Front Street in Thayer, the old Colonial Hotel, now an antique shop.

The Colonial Hotel was the best lodging address in town, as it was just a short walk from the old Frisco train depot. In addition to travelers stopping overnight before proceeding on, the hotel was headquarters for train crews awaiting arrival of a train to either Memphis or Springfield. Meals were served family style, as all guests ate at the same large table.


Next Grand Gulf

Photos and text by Peter Callaway.
The development of content for *Our Watersheds Our Homes* is funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7, through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. DNR Subgrant #G04-NPS-17.

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