The 9.5 acre pond at Mammoth Spring. 70 feet below
the pond is the opening of the underground water passage. This tubular
cavern in the limestone is 15 feet high and 34 feet wide.
Mammoth Spring flows as much as nine million gallons of water per
hour. It is the tenth largest spring in the world.
Most water from Mammoth Spring originates in the rolling hills
of southern Missouri. Scientists have used dyes to trace the movement
of this underground water from points in southern Missouri to the
spring. Look how much comes via West Plains!
Like many other springs, Mammoth exists in what is called karst
The dam and old generating station. The spring once provided a
source of power for the city of Mammoth Spring. Lots of water over
the dam!
Below the dam, the Spring River joins the Black River 57 miles
to the southeast.
Photos and text by Peter Callaway. The
development of content for *Our Watersheds Our Homes* is funded in part
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7, through the Missouri
Department of Natural Resources, under Section 319 of the Clean Water
Act. DNR Subgrant #G04-NPS-17.