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Our Digital Photo Gallery is a photo archive of the natural and cultural world of the Ozarks. Students may use the images to illustrate schoolwork about various subjects. Illustrate presentations and writing products, inspire creative writing or add to science journals - it's your choice.

Using the Gallery: To view the images, browse the individual albums. Click on the thumbnails to view the full size images. You may search the entire archive by keyword. To download images, right-click or control-click your mouse over an image. The menu that pops up will have options for saving the image to your local computer.

   Conditions for Use
* You may use these photographs for educational purposes only.
* Please acknowledge watersheds.org as the source of material that is used.
* Photographs may not be used in a commercial product, service or activity.

Go to the Photo Gallery
(link opens in new window)

DNR logoThe development of content for the Digital Photo Gallery is funded through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region VII, through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, has provided partial funding for this project under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act.

This is the Web site of the Bryant Watershed Education Project, based in West Plains, Missouri. Our site is a toolkit for exploring the Bryant Creek, North Fork, Eleven Point and Upper Spring watersheds in the southern Missouri Ozarks.
Learn more.
