Valerie Hentage and Neil Meredith of MDC
Stream Team demonstrate the invertebrate trapping screen and folding
table. |
Wading into the river with the screen. It's important
to sample a riffle, a swift, shallow section of stream where many
aquatic creatures live. |
John Rothgreb and Pat Hight hold the screen upright
at just the right angle. |
Scuffing up the bottom to release invertebrates in
the gravel, under rocks, and on the plants. |
The screen is stretched on the frame, and the group
sorts the different kinds of invertebrates. |
They use tweezers to pick them up and put them into
ice trays. |
Each critter gets its own compartment,
and the different kinds are added up to get a total water quality
rating. This section of Bryant Creek got an excellent score. |
The rating depends on the relative number of sensitive
and pollution-tolerant organisms that are present in the samples.
See the Stream Insects
Identification Key for more information. |

Missouri Stream Team sponsors river cleanups and many other activities
throughout the state.
More info: http://www.mostreamteam.org/ |