Census Maps
Regional Population Maps
Where do you live?
How did the population in your township change
from 1940 to 1990?
Activity Sheet: How to use these maps.
Click on the maps to see them full-size.
These maps show the counties around Bryant
Creek: Wright, Douglas and Ozark counties. Each county is divided
into townships. The numbers show the population in
each township at the time. The color-coding shows the changes
in population by township, with the change by numbers too. The gray
shaded area shows the boundary of the Bryant watershed and its
relationship to the surrounding counties. The 1990 map shows
the location of some of the towns around the watershed.
Travis Wampler, a student at SMSU Springfield, designed
these maps for the Atlas as a project in the Principles of Cartography
class, taught by Dr. Rex Cammack.
Travis says of these maps, "As you can see, over 50
years there has not been a large population loss for the region.
However, there was a significant population shift in the Bryant
watershed between the years of 1940 and 1990. The people in and
around the watershed left the rural townships for the more urbanized
(although still rural) townships. In other words, people were beginning
to migrate towards population centers. This population shift corresponds
with the rural-to-urban migration pattern of the mid-to-late 20th