Watersheds Watersheds Everywhere Teachers Guide: Preparation 1. Print copies of the Local Watersheds map and the White River Basin map . 2. Assemble a variety of local maps: Missouri highway maps, county maps, and the Department of Conservation's Outdoors maps, for example. A great atlas of topographical maps of Missouri can be purchased at WalMart for under $15. 3. Prepare the following color transparencies for overhead projection: Mississippi River Basin map http://www.watersheds.org/teacher/mrbasin.htm Water Resources Regions map http://www.watersheds.org/teacher/regions.htm White River Basin map http://www.watersheds.org/teacher/wrbasin.htm Local Watersheds map http://www.watersheds.org/places/7sheds1.htm 4. Familiarize yourself with all the maps. Locate the Ozark Divide on the Mississippi map and the Local Watersheds map. It is the upper edge of the Bryant Watershed. This is part of the boundary between the White River Basin and the Missouri River Basin. Locations in the Gasconade Watershed are in the Missouri River Basin; all others are in the White River Basin. 5.The Local Watersheds map is a map of those six watersheds that adjoin the Bryant Watershed. To locate your districts watersheds, go to Education (/education/) and click on the name of your district. On your district's page you will find links to your local watersheds. 6. Review the following the Atlas sections, and select those you will want to assign as background or follow up reading, depending on your class and area of study. Print as needed for reading assignments. What is a Watershed? http://www.watersheds.org/places/shed.htm The Ozark Divide http://www.watersheds.org/places/divide.htm Bryant Watershed Introduction http://www.watersheds.org/places/watershed.htm Tributaries http://www.watersheds.org/places/tributaries.htm Next Page > The Lesson, Session 1  Developed by Lois Reborne and Mary Chipps, 2001, with funding from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Copyright © Bryant Watershed Project, Inc. All rights reserved. May be printed for classroom use. Find this lesson online at: http://www.watersheds.org/teacher/water01.htm |