Solo on a Field Trip in the Bryant Watershed Atlas

Trip Log

Name:______________________________    Date:  _____________

Grade:_________      School: _________________    Teacher:_________________

You are going to explore Bryant Creek watershed by using the online Atlas. 
Use this Trip Log to keep track of what you see and to report about your exploration.

A. Prepare for your trip by reading the whole Trip Log. 
Then answer the first two questions.

What do you already know about the Bryant Creek area? Write three things.




Write two questions you hope to get answers for on your field trip.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

Now you are ready to go. Type this address into your web browser address bar:

You will see there are twelve sections to the Atlas. 
You can also click on the map in the center. 

You are free to go to any section that you want and explore what interests you.


B. Answer the next set of questions as you travel.

Choose any two of the following terms and enter them into the Search window. Search is available on the top blue navigation bar on any page. Be sure to include the quotation marks around the terms.

    "Brown's Cave"
    "frost flowers"
    "granny woman"
    "chewing gum"
    "animal tracks"
    "Hodgson Mill"
    "fifth grader"

What did you find out?



Your Field Notes:

Where did you go on your Field Trip? Write about five sections you visited.






What did you see on your Field Trip? Write about five things you saw  or read about on the Atlas. Are they animals, people, or places?






What did you learn on your Field Trip?  Tell two things you learned that you didn't know before visiting the Atlas.



New Words: What new words did you find on your Field Trip?

1. Word:_______________________________

    What do you think it means?______________________________________________

2. Word:_______________________________

    What do you think it means?______________________________________________

3. Word:_______________________________

    What do you think it means?______________________________________________


C. Do these questions last, after you have finished your Field Trip.

Could you find the answers to the questions you wrote down?_____________________

What did you find out?_____________________________________________________


Using all the information above, write a paragraph describing your field trip. Use the back of the page if you need more room to write.





Evaluation: How I liked the Field Trip:

Yes! I liked it. ______

It was okay. ________

I didn't like it too much. _________

Tell why you answered as you did:





Copyright © Bryant Watershed Project, Inc.  May be printed for classroom or home use.